Hello everyone.
It has been a good week. I am still looking to fill daycare spots but one of the kids that is leaving, has extended daycare for another month so I am a bit less stressed, for now anyway. Sean has not had soccer this week so it has been a bit less crazy. Jake got his glasses this week. He looks so grown up. He is doing pretty good with them. So far he likes them. We will see in a week or so if he still likes them. On Friday the kids school had a spaghetti feed fundraiser for the PTA, so we went to that for a while. the spaghetti was not that good but the kids had fun. We finished up our Mother's day projects that we were working on and ended the week with a nice game of basketball with Uncle Matt. (Will, Jessie and I cheered the others on). Jake had so much fun that Saturday he is having Dad play basketball with him when they get home from T-ball. Jessie has been really funny this past couple of weeks. All of a sudden, she is afraid to do anything on her own. She was going down to the drinking fountain and bathroom at church and at the gym by herself. Well now she wants someone to go with her so she does not get scared. if we are out and about and she does not see me she starts crying and panicking a bit until she finds me. but she did say something that I thought was really cute. "mommy I am not afraid to be home by myself if Sean is home" kind of funny, we do not get the concept of my myself yet. She said that at church too. "Mommy can I go get a drink by myself" I told her yes so she turned around and said "Jake will you come with me to get a drink so I won't be scared" Anyway, we will have to work on this before kindergarten starts in the fall. Maybe she will out grow it before then.
Yesterday Jake had a t-ball game and the 3 younger ones had gymnastics. Sean went on a service project to earn some community service hours. He got to help little cub scouts learn to fish. He said that he had to work all day but I think he enjoyed it. After gymnastics the 3 younger kids all went with their Aunt Angie , Uncle Matt and cousin Will to Chuck e Cheese. I took off to meet my Co Leader for girl scouts at Jo Anne Fabrics to pick out some fabric for a project that we are doing and that took forever. We cold not decide. An hour and half later we chose something and hopefully the girls will like it. I got home about the same time as the other kids and we ate and got ready for bed.
Today Sunday (happy mothers day to all the mom's)
I woke up and started waking everyone up. Erik jumped up and started helping. they shooed me back upstairs to focus on me while I thought they were getting their own breakfast. but they surprised me with a breakfast tray of food that I shared with them and cards and gifts. they each made me a special plate. We then headed to church and then home to pick up Erik and go to his parents house for lunch. but we ended up taking Grandma's dog to the vet for her because she ate some rat poison. She is home right now and is doing OK. We ate dinner and relaxed a bit and then took the kids to the park to play for a bit. We are now home and working on laundry. Anyone want to come and help? Hope all you mom's had a great day. talk to you all soon.
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